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Morning Star Healing and Massage

Offices in Chatham, NY and Philmont, NY

(518) 965-9111

Addresses of Offices and Mailing Address

Office in Chatham, NY:

28 Park Row

Chatham, NY 12037

Phone: 518-965-9111

This office is located in Chatham Village, right around the Main Street shops and across the street from the Morris Memorial Building.

Office in Philmont, NY:   

7 Maple Ave

Philmont, NY 12565

Phone: 518-965-0111

My massage room here is in the office of Freedom Chiropractor, owned by Dr. Teshna Beaulieu, Chiropractor.

You may check out her website at or call her office at 518-965-9111 to make an appointment with her.

Mailing Address (for either office location):

Morning Star Healing and Massage / Danica Wolkiser

PO Box 124

Philmont, NY 12565

